Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year's Resolution

Upon us comes a new year
Fear not the rise
Cries a new daylight
Fight stoutly forward
Toward the good life
Fife for the drive positive
Prerogative in daily motion
Devotion for the hard work
Lurk for the right moment
Embodiment of good taste
Haste not the personal renewal
Cruel not my heart
Start with that tender love
Dove ever so peaceful
Cull together our friendship
Leadership's example in action
Fraction the faction dissonance
Eloquence in mannerism and etiquette
Set in this persistent path
Hath this resolution
Solution for the new year.


aria said...

Resolution solution rhymed pretty well :) I really like reading optimistic verses.. don't get to read them too often.. in the blog world.
have a great 2009 ..

John said...

@Aria: Thanks for your comment. You should have a great 2009 as well.

Bobbi said...

Now this can be a universal resolution, but making the world come together in one mindset is a truly impossible task. Hope you have a great new year.

John said...

@Bobbi: I agree that having one mindset is truly impossible, but on the other hand, I am sure we can reach a consensus on the major issues. The differences make us unique, but that doesn't mean we can't make it together peacefully.

Nhy said...

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