Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quip of the Day

"The truth shall set you free"

Without a doubt, the truth will always find a way to present itself to others. It is in our best interests to express what is morally correct at first knowledge. Otherwise, you shall face the consequences later on when you are discovered in a lie, a farce and cheat. It is better to discuss the truth on your terms rather then another's when they can mold much greater adversity to your respectability and character. Pure and simple, it is much better to tell the truth right off the back.

Dedicated to and inspired by illegal users of performance-enhancing drugs.


Lilly said...

I really like it. I wish I could send it to my ex but there comes a time in your life you know you are only responsible for your own truth. How much better would it be if we were all up front and honest. I always think the bandaid is better ripped off quickly then slowly. Great post.

Rachana said...

"It is better to discuss the truth on your terms rather then another's...

I love these words. Great reasoning.